Friday, 29 June 2007

How am I enjoying my job at work placement?

How am I doing at work placement?

If at first you fail, try try again!

A positive attitude will have positive results.


Que Sera Sera!

So on "Work Notes", I will write how I am enjoying my job and myself at work placement.

Weekly Class Notes

Every Thursday, I have a class day and goes to campus.

So here are "Class Notes" to remember what I learned.

How Am I Doing

Every working day at my work placement, I write Progress Notes on our clients.

So I thought why not write about myself, Progress Notes on me as a student and as a support worker.

That's for "Progress Notes".

Unit 21927 Describe how to respond to incidents and prepare an incident report in Mental Health Support Work

10th Unit
Describe how to respond to incidents and prepare an incident report in Mental Health Support Work (Unit 21927)
NZQA Unit Standard(PDF)

Started on 7 June 2007
(Workbook Due on 28 June 2007)

Resources I used for this Unit: